Габариты товара: 10.79 см × 16.51 см × 10.79 см (425 hundredths-inches × 650 hundredths-inches × 425 hundredths-inches)
Габариты упаковки: 19.05 см × 10.67 см × 11.68 см (750 hundredths-inches × 420 hundredths-inches × 460 hundredths-inches)
Вес упаковки: 0.045 кг, приблизительная стоимость доставки в Россию (Москва) $0.90
Тип товара: Забота о здоровье (HEALTH_PERSONAL_CARE)
Товарная группа: Здоровье и красота (Health and Beauty)
Размер/длина/объём: 180 Capsules
Полный комплекс спектр содержит Витамин К1 и двух форм витамина K2, Витамин К2-МК4 (Menatetrenone-4) и витамин К2 МК7 (Менахинон-7)
Высокое качество формула: лучшие ингредиенты доступны. Сделано в США по санитарному надзору за качеством цгмф зарегистрированным объектом.
Высокую оценку и признание: наши продукты были последовательно рекомендованный ведущих ученых в питании, как лауреат Нобелевской премии Доктор Лайнус Полинг
Бренд, которому можно доверять: с 1960 года, Бронсон оказывает семьям с высокое качество продукции и лучшие услуги. Это 50+ летний опыт говорит сам за себя.
Работает или ваши деньги обратно: мы подпираем наши продукты с 365-дневных хлопот-бесплатная гарантия возврата денег. Нет никакого риска при заказе сейчас!
Характеристики на английском языке
FULL SPECTRUM COMPLEX: Provides both Vitamin K1 and two forms of Vitamin K2, Vitamin K2 MK4 (Menatetrenone-4) and Vitamin K2 MK7 (Menaquinone-7)
HIGHEST QUALITY FORMULA: Best ingredients available. Made in USA at FDA cGMP Registered Facility.
HIGHLY REGARDED AND RECOGNIZED: Our Products Have Been Consistently Recommended By The Foremost Nutritional Scientists Like Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Linus Pauling
BRAND YOU CAN TRUST: Since 1960, Bronson has been providing families with the highest quality products and finest customer service available. This 50+ year heritage speaks for itself.
WORKS OR YOUR MONEY BACK: We back our products up with a 365-day hassle-free money back guarantee. There's no risk when you order now!
Подробное описание
Подробное описание на английском языке
Vitamin K consists of a group of structurally-similar, fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin K1 and vitamin K2, which are essential for helping build strong bones and providing support for a healthy heart.* Discovered in 1929, vitamin K was originally identified for its role as a coagulation cofactor. In the 1970s, vitamin K-dependent proteins were discovered, which showed vitamin KÕs role in bone and cardiovascular health. Phylloquinone, also known as vitamin K1, occurs in plants. Vitamin K2 is a range of K2 forms collectively referred to as Òmenaquinones,Ó which are distinguished by a number designation according to the number of repeating 5-carbon units in its side chain. While both vitamin K1 and K2 are beneficial to the body, only vitamin K2 is available to and utilized by soft tissues and systems beyond the liver due to its molecular structure. Vitamin K2 has also been shown to be more bioavailable and remain biologically active in the body longer than vitamin K1. Bronson Vitamin K Triple Playª is a full spectrum vitamin K complex that provides multiple forms of vitamin K, including vitamin K1 and two forms of vitamin K2, and is formulated to help build strong bones and support a healthy heart.* Vitamin K Triple Playª is provided in easy-to-swallow capsules, which supply a total of 550 mcg of vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. Each daily serving delivers 100 mcg vitamin K1, plus 450 mcg of two different forms of vitamin K2: Menatetrenone-4 (MK-4) and Menaquinone-7 (MK-7).
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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